
A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen !

These are some random kitchen Conversions taken randomly too from different TS2 sites: thkehne @ TSR, Kitivnip @ GOS, Blacky Sims zoo, 4ESF and Jope.

Set Includes: 
Shopping bag (2 recolor able areas)
Kettle (3  recolor able areas)
Sink with Bucket(3 recolor able areas)
Towel(1 recolor able areas)
Knitting Basket(3 recolor able areas)
Horse Statue(Not Recolor able)
Desserts(1 recolor able areas)
Coffee(1 recolor able areas)
Cutting Board( 3 recolor able areas)
Salad(1 recolor able areas)

(.package only)
If any one wants the .sim3pack please let me know.

((Special thanks to Jen for her help <333  ))